Theoretically speaking, not, why am I actually here… on this island or where ever you are. What drives you every morning to get up and function? Is is duty, guilt, resentment, fear, materialism or expectations of others? There is a purpose there, and we all know it. I am not sure we all know what that purpose is or how to find it. Intellectually, I know God has a purpose for each of us. Do we spend all of our lives trying to figure out what that is? Or do you all of a sudden have this revelation, “I found it!” I am happy for all of you it you have had that revelation, congrats!
I think this new chapter in my life is about discovery. Don’t really know why I waited so long. It wasn’t that the things I was concentrating on were bad, they weren’t. Now I am purposely making an effort to spend more time with God, discover who I was meant to be and discover new things about the world. When was the last time you just stopped and paid attention? Do it now. It really is amazing. You’ll discover things when you just stop where ever you are… the beauty around you, how very blessed you are, something that you could do to help someone out or maybe even someone that needs you to just listen. It is so easy to miss there things, when they are right under you.
Purpose? No clue yet…. but I am searching!
Cindy….Little Harbour has always been one of my favorite “moments in time”! Each day when I look at the small bronze pelican I purchased there all those years ago, I will now think of you and wonder at your incredible journey that has taken you back! I have just called Bobby Gene to let her know of your wonderful news. Love you, Pat