“So You Don’t Want to Go to Church Anymore”

I just finished this book, and loved it.  It is by Way Jacobsen & Dave Coleman.  Get Your Copy By Clicking Below.

So You Don’t Want to Go to Church Anymore

No I’m not boycotting church or anything,  I actually went to church here on the Island Sunday.  My next door neighbors invited me.  This church is quite unlike the previous church visit I had here, where there were 4 people in attendance, that’s including me.  This is their version of “PineLake”, a band, great Music, etc.  A “Jump Up” church as they call it here.  I will probably attend there frequently, when I get some transportation.

However, this book made extremely great points, that most religious church goers, don’t want to here.  The book was based on a small pamplet, Jacobsen wrote… Here are his points, doesn’t matter if you agree, they are very interesting and worth thought… I will paraphrase the pamplet a bit…

First question, “Where do you go to church?” That question really bothers Wayne.   He says, “I think Jesus looks at church quite differently.  He didn’t talk about it as a place to go, but a way of living in relationship with him and with other followers of his” Church doesn’t identify a location, but describes how people relate to one another.

Church, The Institution, gives us a false sense of security.  The church is something we are, not someplace we go, how can we leave Church unless we abandon Christ himself?  The issue isn’t where we are at a given time during the weekend, but how were are living in him everyday.

Then he is asked, “But don’t we need regular fellowship?” Response is, “I wouldn’t say we need it. If we were in a place where we couldn’t find other believers, Jesus certainly would be able to take care of us.” Do we desire sharing authentic fellowship with other believers…. absolutely!

“Shouldn’t we be committed to a local fellowship?” Most of assume that is in the bible somewhere, he has yet to find it.  People live outside structures, called churches, and still find not only deep relationship with God, but also connections with other believers that run far deeper than in any institution.  “Scripture does encourage us, to be devoted to one another, not committed to an institution.”“Fellowship happens where people share knowing Jesus.  It consists of open, honest, sharing, genuine concern about each other’s spiritual well-being and encouragement for people to follow Jesus in whatever way he leads them.”

This question is stupid in my opinion, he was nice when he responded… “Don’t Our Institutions keep us from error?” His answer, “Sorry to burst your bubble, but every major heresy inflicted on God’s people has come from organized groups with “leaders” who thought they knew God’s mind better than anyone around them.” “If that is where you hope to find security, I’m afraid it is sorely misplaced.  Jesus didn’t tell us that “going to church” would keep us safe but that trusting him would.’

Now before you get offended and panic … next question, “So are traditional congregations wrong?” “Absolutely Not!” “Where there are leaders who are true servants and not playing the politics of leadership, true worship can happen.  Every person I’ve ever met who is thriving in the life of Jesus has a desire to share authentic fellowship with other believers.”

On of the points he is trying to make, is that the meetings are far less the issue than the quality of the relationships.  Believers sometime are encouraged toward a growing dependency on the system or it’s leadership rather than on Jesus himself.  This is not an excuse to stay at home and do nothing.  It is easier to just go with the flow, but tasting real living fellowship between passionate believers, can not be compared.  Once you experience that, it is impossible to settle for anything less.  Meeting once a week in the segregated hour with people who look like we do and like things we like may not be church at all.

“In our day we don’t need more talk about the church, we need people who are simply ready to live it’s reality.” There are people right in front of you everyday that are ready to share the journey.  Find them and connect, that is church.

Controversial as this all sounds… there are great points to this book and a lot to be learned.  I remember when I came to this Island for the month of September, I made the comment, “This IS my church.” Guess what, it truly is.  I am learning what it means to be in “fellowship”.


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