
I am reading Steven Pressfield’s, “The War of Art” for the second time… It is definitely a must read and what I need right now.  So most of what is written here comes from his brain not mine.  I have thrown a few of my thoughts, valid or not, into the mix.  Read on…

Resistance’s Greatest Hits:

1.  The Pursuit of any calling.  (writing, painting, music, film, tennis …. you get the idea)

2.  The Launching of any entrepreneurial venture.

3.  Any Diet or Health Program (this does NOT apply to me)

4.  Any program of spiritual advancement.

5.  Any activity whose aim is tighter abs.

6.  Any program designed to overcome a habit or addiction.

7.  Education.

8.  Any act of political, moral, ethical courage including a decision to change for the better.

9.  The undertaking of any endeavor to help others

10.  Any act that entails commitment of the heart.

11.  The taking of any stand.

Resistance is in other words, any act that rejects immediate gratification in favor of long-term growth, health or integrity.

Reading that list along enticed me to read this book.  I fight resistance on a daily basis and usually lose.  I don’t like losing.

The problem is that resistance is invisible.  It can not be seen, touched, heard, or smelled.  It can definitely be felt.  It’s a negative force.  It’s

entire aim is to send us in another direction, preventing us from doing our work.

Resistance is internal.  We think it comes from outside ourselves, we tend to blame spouses, jobs, friends, situations, anyone… but it actually

arises from within.  It is self-generated and self-perpetuated.  Resistance is the enemy within.

Resistance is insidious.  (OK, you know I didn’t come up with that word).  It will do anything, tell you anything to keep you from doing your

work.  Resistance has no conscience.   It will make deals and double cross you in a minute.  Resistance lies.

Resistance is implacable.  (There he goes again making me look bad)  It can not be reasoned with.  It loves the power it has, or I should say

that you give it.

Resistance is impersonal.  It doesn’t care who you are.  It acts objectively.

Resistance is infallible.  The more important a call or action is to our soul, the more resistance we will feel pushing toward it.

Resistance is universal.  We are NOT the only ones struggling with resistance.  (Really?  I thought I was the only one).

Resistance never sleeps.  This warrior won’t stop so the battle must be fought daily.

Resistance plays for keeps.  Resistance is out for the kill, not to wound or disable.  It’s target is the epicenter of our being:  our genius, our soul, the unique and priceless gift we were put on the earth to give and that no one else has but us.  We are in a war to the death.

Resistance is fueled by fear.  Every ounce of power resistance has comes from us.  We feed it with power by our fear of it.

Resistance is by definition self-sabotage, by procrastination, self-dramatization, self-medication, victimhood, choice of mate, unhappiness,

fundamentalism, criticism, fear, self-doubt, isolation, …. shall I go on.

So… in Steven’s words… If you’re in Calcutta working with Mother Teresa Foundation and you’re thinking of bolting to launch a career in

telemarketing.. relax.  Resistance will give you a free pass.

WOW!!! I am so glad I am not fueling the fire of resistance.  BUSTED!!!

There are plans of attack.  Not that this book has all the answers, it doesn’t and if I remember from the first reading the last chapter is a little

out there.  I am about to conquer the reading again (It will take one day to read by the way), not because I need it of course.

Go get the book or download it … just read or listen to it.  Take the good out of it.


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