Recent Realization

Not sure why it took me all of my life to realize this but… not everyone is going to like me!  As recently as yesterday, that bothered me.  There is absolutely nothing I can do about that.  If I haven’t hurt the person directly and they don’t really know me, but don’t like me… why should it matter to me.  It’s been my nature to find out why.  Most of the time, it’s unjustified… it’s from a judgement made on the part of the other party.  There is absolutely nothing I can do about that, so why lose sleep over it?  I’m not gonna – any more!  It’s ok!  Only I really know who I am anyway, everybody else just knows who they think I am!  So There!

Hole in the Wall

I had been to the candy striped lighthouse in Hope Town. But guess what, there are two others, The Lighthouse at Little Harbour, which is non- functional, and I can see every day if I like.  But there is a considerably more important one, the Hole in the Wall Lighthouse.  Marie and West, Joe and Tammy and I struck out on our trip at 9 am.  It is on the baron Southeast Coast of Great Abaco.  It’s name comes literally from a hole in the wall of a rocky tidal outcropping by the sea shown below. It is an out of the way location which is in fact a lonely but beautiful spot all alone and 15 miles from the nearest paved road. It’s access is through a single lane unpaved, rock strewn and bumpy road taking you through the pine barons of the Bahamas National Trust where you can find the endangered Bahamian Parrot.  It took us over an hour with no civilization to be found in case of an emergency or breakdown. Along the way there are several caves to explore.  Which we did.  I am not a big cave fan, but I experienced it.  Each one connecting in some fashion.  

The Hole in the Wall Lighthouse was built in conjunction with the Hope Town Lighthouse in 1838. This was despite the objections of the local residents as a good portion of their lively hood came from salvaging of the wrecks of the Abaco reefs. Sabotage of the building process commenced. However maritime interests prevailed and the commerce of wrecking diminished in the Abacos. The Hole in the Wall Light became automated in 1995 and serves as a beacon for Maritime traffic from the Bahama Bank, Nassau the the Communities on northern Eleuthera. Today the lighthouse is run down and beat up by the hurricanes of 1999 & 2004, but it still operates. Folks still climb to the top albeit a bit rickety. The views from the top are spectacular as you will see below. On occasion you might run into a naturalist group, dolphin researchers or whale watchers that go there to observe the Beaked Whale that frequent the region. (We once passes a pair of beaked whales when trolling off Hope Town, written about in My Solo Trip report. (info gathered from 

We walked the secluded path along the sea to get to the quiet barren beach, and did some beach combing.  We also took a lunch, which we enjoyed under a shade tree.  It was a fun experience.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree

The Apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree, now does it?  Sometimes that can be tricky, good, scarey or even dreadful.  Presently I can only hope it is true.   There is this tendency to look at your parents and roll your eyes.  You watch with embarrassment as they enjoy themselves in the way “they” know how.  You wish you were somewhere else, maybe crawl under a rock or something.   You could have lived a lifetime without hearing what was just said, never for a moment understanding what they were thinking.  All the while, begging that you did NOT get that gene.  Guess what, Parents are people too.  When you become that parent, you begin to understand some things, but not all things.  The gene pool is a scary place to be standing  and at times you can feel like you are drowning.

But let’s see… My Daddy is a kind and gentle man.  He would give you the shirt off of his back.  I am quite sure he has never met a stranger.  He loves family with all his heart.  He tells them every time he sees them, “You know I love you“.  He pays attention to the lives of the ones he loves, never interfering.  There is no, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up”… He fell plenty, and he always got up.  He would push forward, put it behind him and start again.  (Great example to everyone around him).  I only personally saw him angry, once.  I was 5 years old so this is the way I remembered it.  I got in his MG, put it in neutral and rolled down the driveway into the street.  I got a spanking.  (It didn’t hurt, but don’t tell him).  I am assuming my brother saw him angry far more times than I did.  I don’t know a soul that has met him and didn’t like him, and that must be important to him.  He loved to laugh. (Not that joke telling was a gift, because it wasn’t. Now that’s funny, because my kids now tell me, “Mom, you crack myself up don’t you” and I do)

He played basketball growing up.  He loved tools and building things.  He was quite adventurous.  He owned a motor cycle for years.  A street bike that he loved and proceeded to almost kill himself on.  He acquired his pilot’s license and loved flying, just another of his many passions.  He had dark skin and a golden tan because he loved the sun.  He love to go deep sea fishing.  He loved to dive and spear fish.  That all ended abruptly, when he had  a close encounter with “Jaws”.  He was spearing and  “Jaws”  thankfully decided to go for the grouper he had just speared and not my Dad.  He loved being in and near the water so much that he went a vacation to Key West ended up in Miami and didn’t return for 7 years.

Hummmmm, wait, let me process some of this. Truly, without knowledge of some of those traits… I chose dirt bikes instead of street bikes.  I played high school and college basketball.  I actually own a rather large steel tool chest full of tools. (which I requested for my 40th birthday)  I explored creeks and ditches in the neighborhood, hunting crawfish.  I love the sun, especially the sunrise and sunset.  I bought an MG at 19, mainly  because my Mom told me I couldn’t.  I have this major desire to be in, on or near the water.  I have a love for fishing and experiencing new adventures. Seriously… I have never met a stranger.  I hate it when someone doesn’t like me and I tend like everyone even when I shouldn’t.  Need I go on?  I am proud of being the Apple from that tree.  Consider me a wanna be.

Ok, here’s the lesson.  I think.  So about the age you start becoming selfish and look at your parents with detest, embarrassment, wonder, blame, amazement, whatever ….  You might want to consider trying to find out who they really are.  What was there childhood like?  What about high school, dating, and lost loves?  What are their passions?  What would they do, if they could do anything in the world?  Would they do anything different?  Where would they visit if they could?  Who are their idols?  You know, the stuff you think about all the time for yourself.  You tend to think they are on this world for only one thing… you!  Parents spend their ENTIRE lives,  raising, loving, then worrying about their children’s.  (I have experience here).  Reverse it, before the chance to get to get to know them disappears.  I will say it again.  Parents are people too!  Find out who they are.  It really isn’t all about YOU!  But it is a chance to find some things out about yourself!

I just hope it’s not too late for me, a missed opportunity!  Hang on or let go, Daddy!  It’s ok with me, either way!

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree
It’s actually the way life was meant be
Like it or not, fight if you must
It takes a little time, but wait you’ll see

Details in the Fabric

Details In the Fabric (feat. James Morrison)

Calm down
Deep breaths
And get yourself dressed instead
Of running around
And pulling on your threads
And breaking yourself up

If it’s a broken part, replace it
If it’s a broken arm, then brace it
If it’s a broken heart, then face it

And hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything will be fine

Hang on
Help is on the way
And stay strong
I’m doing everything

Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way
Hold your own
Know your name
And go your own way

And everything, everything will be fine

Are the details in the fabric
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling?

Are the things that make you blow
Hell, no reason, go on and scream
If you’re shocked it’s just the fault
Of faulty manufacturing.

Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all

Hold your own
And know your name
And go your own way

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic
Are your thoughts results of static cling? (Go your own way)

Are the details in the fabric (Hold your own, know your name)
Are the things that make you panic (Go your own way)
Is it Mother Nature’s sewing machine?

Are the things that make you blow (Hold your own, know your name)
Hell no reason go on and scream
If you’re shocked it’s just the fault (Go your own way)
Of faulty manufacturing

Everything will be fine
Everything in no time at all
Hearts will hold

Why I love this “One Particular Harbour”

This is the start of my list. I am sure there will be more as I think of them:

One Particular Harbour

The Ocean Breeze
The walks home in the dark
The Beauty under the sea
Pete’s Gallery Artwork
The feel of the sand
The infinite ocean
Setting up office on my deck
The sunrise
The artists here
The amazing color contrast
Looking for crawfish
Rake and scrape Bands
The sunset
Carol, the best bartender in the Islands
The amazing sky
Wearing my swimsuit all day
The walks home in the moonlight
Jamming Jan
The clouds
Looking for conch
The boats swinging in the harbour
The palm trees
Pete’s Pub
Weekly trip to Marsh Harbour for groceries
Conch Burger
The millions of stars
Beach treasure hunting
The dirt roads
Long Walks listening to Music
The Ocean Noise
The paths through the trees
Looking for sea glass
Friends forever
The helping hands
The slow pace
Conch Salad
Long walks listening to music
Peace to read
Minimalistic living
Working outside on my deck
Having coffee on my deck
Bryan jamming on Friday nights
Lounging in the sun on my deck
The laughter from the pub
Outdoor shower
Hand Lining
Hitching Rides
No shopping malls
It’s the window to the big world
Solar power
Propane operation
Watching novice sailors run aground
The occasional internet
Rack and Scrape Bands
Trying to grow tomatoes
Variety of the People
The rolling landsacpe
Dirt Roads
Dodging hermit crabs on the road
Night Lining
Eating fish
Lobster bisque
The weather
Lobster pasta
Natural Rock walls
Grilled lobster
Listening to fights while picking up a mooring
Eating souse (fish soup)
Line Dancing
Bumming rides to town
Eating tuna right on the boat
Rolling Ocean Waves
Hanging out my clothes
Feeding hermit crabs coffee and cereal
The happy vacationers
Seared Tuna
Ahi Tuna Appetizer
Helping a neighbor
Talking with strangers that become friends
The many little birds
Meeting people from all over the world
Listening to music
Neighbor helping me
The flowers and foliage
Boater Diversity
Sea of Abaco
The rays jumping in the harbour
An occasional rain shower
Curly Tails
Unspoken fishing competition
An occasional “Blaster”
Feeling of Safety
Friends for a day
Growing tomatoes
Potluck dinners
Big Yachts
Food just taste better here
The wind rustling through the trees
Making Connections
Creative environment
The deafening silence
The Parrots
The stillness
Watching experienced Sailors work their magic

Do You Junkanoo

Junkanoo is a street parade with music, which occurs in many towns across The Bahamas and The Turks and Caicos Islands every Boxing Day (December 26), New Year’s Day and, more recently, in the summer on the island of Grand Bahama. The largest Junkanoo parade happens in Nassau, the capital. There are additionally Junkanoo parades in both Miami, in June and Key West, in October.

The word “Junkanoo” derived from an African slave named “John Canoe” in the 17th century. These slaves were not allowed much freedom and would hide in the bushes when they had the chance. While in the bushes, they would dance and make music while covered in costumes that they made from various paints that they made and leaves that they found, sponges and old newspaper. This festival represented the slave’s freedom from slavery.

Parades are judged in various categories. I am not sure what all the categories are but I understand that the costumes take all year to make and are of paper mache. My photos do NOT do these costumes any justice. They are simply amazing, showing the the spirit of Junkanoo in a big way. Fun with a flair.

Junkanoo came to Marsh Harbour, so I met John in town and we experienced it first hand. There were only two participants in this small Junkanoo parade but it took forever, just for these two participants perform … I think they may have been traveling 2 blocks an hour. Seriously. In Nassau there are sometimes up 17 groups. Wow, I would have to sleep all day to stay up for that.

Do you Junkanoo? I think I do. Celebrate each day like it’s a parade or festival, like Junkanoo!