Got down to the pub at 9:30 yesterday morning. I was so excited. I get to go fishing with Pete. First he made some Souse (Fish Soup) for breakfast, yum! Then, finally around 11:00 we got it all together and cast off. Me, Pete, Willie and Ferdi. (new friends from Charleston, SC). We went outside the cut and hand lined on the bottom. Deep! Hunting for grouper. That was so fun. Caught a few little ones. Had one on my hand line and a shark swooped by and decided to take my fish and my entire line… good thing, I don’t think that would have been good for my hands. After several hours of fishing and trying to find the honey holes, we went to the end of Lynard Cay and jumped in the water. The water colors are unfreaking believable to say the least. We did a little beach combing, ate a little mango and cheese, then fished a little more.
We made it back to the pub just in time for the band to crank up. Perfect timing. Today was Ben’s surprise engagement party. A pig and lamb roast. I walked to the love shack for a quick shower, then headed back down. Bryan LeMar was playing with the band today… he is good! He is giving me some guitar lessons today or tomorrow, score! I had trigger fish tonight. The Pub was packed. Stayed until 9:30 or 10:00 – that is late for me. Fun Day!