Haitian mishap…

OK… we get a Facebook message this morning from a friend, “Did you see the escaped boat people this morning?”  I had no idea what in the world she was talking about.  Finally, by the end of the day we get the story.  Turns out there were 150 Haitians (kids I should say, around 18) on a boat for 10 days.  They had no food or water.  It costs each person/family $2,000 to get on that boat.  They each had to have $50 in their hand for when they landed.  They would need that to get to the Muds.  The Muds is where the Haitians live here in the Bahamas.  Each of these kids were on that boat coming here, looking for a better life for their family.  They can find a little work here.  But something went wrong, they were almost here and the boat hit the reef and sunk.  Several residents here supposedly saved several of them from drowning.   They were all skinning and hungry.  Once they hit land, they would take off running, to hid in the bush.  All of these kids need to get to town.  The police discovered the situation and supposedly 40 were found.  The balance, sad to say, may have drown.  If caught, they are taken back to town, shipped to Nassau to put in jail.  If by chance, they have money, they might could buy their way out of jail and into the muds.  Most are sent  back to their home country, Haiti.  WOW!  What do we ever complain about?

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