Full Moon

The world is set to experience the biggest full moon for 19 years when the satellite reaches its closest point to Earth tonight.  The full moon could appear up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter to the naked eye, especially when it rises on the eastern horizon at sunset or is provided with the right atmospheric conditions.  I just may have those conditions here on the Island.

The big event here is the “Full Moon” Party on Lubbers at “Cracker ‘P’s” …. I just have to find a boater to get me there.  It’s about 15 miles northeast of where I am now on a little Island.

Here’s a little full moon folklore:

  • Full moons are traditionally associated with temporal insomnia, insanity (hence the terms lunacy and lunatic) (Perfect! My excuse for any stupid behavior I may find myself partaking in this evening…LOL)
  • To see the crescent moon over the right shoulder was considered lucky, but seeing it over the left shoulder was unlucky.  (I will remember to only look right tonight)
  • In Cornwall, If a boy was born during a waning moon, they said that the next birth would be a girl. (I’d say there are pretty good odds of this happening just about anywhere)
  • When anyone spoke of Mountains of the Moon, it simply meant white mountains. The arabs call white horses “Moon-coloured”. (Hum)
  • In certain areas of England there was an expression that if a dark Moon came out on Christmas, a fine harvest would follow. Other areas declared that a waxing or New Moon on Christmas portended a good year, but a Waning Moon a hard year. (This one is just confusing)
  • In Italy they say that if the moon changes on a Sunday, there will be a flood before the month is out. (Doesn’t the Moon change everyday?)
  • If a new moon falls on a Saturday, it was said there would be 20 days of wind and rain. (Guess that has never happened, except during the flood back in the day of Noah)
  • It is said of March weather that if it comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion. (Not sure what this has to do with the moon)
  • And if the full moon fell on a Friday that was also the 13th, it was considered to be the most unlucky day there could be. (I will go with this one)
  • Almost every culture believed that if the new moon came on a Monday, it was a sign of good weather and good luck. (Darn, we just missed it)
  • Two new moons in one month were said to predict a month’s bad weather. (Or two really good full moon parties)
  • A ring around the moon means rain or snow. (Does that mean, anywhere?)
  • If you move to a new house or location during a waning moon, it will ensure you never go hungry. (Wow, guess I better be moving on tomorrow)
  • Some farmers still believe that crops sown near a full moon will be ready for the harvest a month earlier than crops sown during a waxing moon. (Gonna do some planting today)
  • Upon seeing the new moon, bow to her and turn over the coins in your pocket. This will bring you luck in all your affairs. (Exactly who am I to turn my coins over to?  The guy that made this one up?)
  • The Irish say that to see your future, for good or ill, take a mirror outside. Let the light of the moon fall on the surface and stare into it. Any face that appears will be connected with your future. (Sweet… gonna try this one tonight)
  • If you suffer from corns, cut them during the waning moon and they will dissapear forever. (Holy toledo… thank goodness I don’t have to worry about corns, yet!)
  • Grass crops should be sown at the full moon. Then the hay will dry quickly. (Not a lot of grass here on the Island)
  • Wood cut at the new moon is hard to split. If it is cut at the full moon it is easy to split.  (No worries here, won’t be doing any wood cutting, you?)
  • The English had a saying: that if a member of the family died at the time of the new moon, three deaths would follow. (This one is just wrong!)
  • Originally, the term moon-struck or moon-touched meant chosen by the Goddess. These people were considered to be blessed. (Guess I am moon-touched or moon-struck then, because I am truly blessed)
  • It is often said that if a person was born at a full moon, he or she would have a lucky life. (Lucky is relative)
  • It is said that cats’ eyes will be open wider during a full moon than at any other time. (wow, I can actually test this one too… with my new kitten, Lillie)
  • A waning moon was considered an unlucky time for a marriage or birth. (Won’t be incurring either of these problems so…)

I hope these little tidbits of information will help you better appreciate the implications of tonight’s Full Moon!  Enjoy!

And… No Howling!

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