Friday Night at Pete’s

I love Friday night at Pete’s. It’s the residents happy hour. I love the dynamics. If you are on the Island, Friday… Starting around 4, you head to Pete’s. One thing I have noticed…everyone here (owners) work, on their property 24/7. EXCEPT…Friday nights! It’s a time to gather together and visit. Everyone, young and old. You get to know people, form relationships. Interestingly enough…you hear things in a place this small, who did what to who, etc…but for an evening, everyone is there in close proximity, visiting! Oh, there is an unspoken pecking order, too! Mixed in with the crowd is a few boaters that may have picked up a mooring for the night, or visitors staying in Winding Bay. I have realized that I really love being alone, I guess it’s about being in control of my time and me. However, flip side is I love people too! I love getting to know people, listening and learning, why and how they ended up here. The stories of how residents ended up here could be a wonderful movie script. So I listened and laughed until about 11pm, then walked home.

Last night I found out that Nancy (oldest resident in Little Harbour) had been trying to find me… She wants to spend some time talking about some spiritual things. (I had told her I was a Christian, when she had us over for dinner) There aren’t many people on the Island for her to talk, everybody is working, or maybe they have already had their time with Nancy. Now it’s my turn….I am visiting with her this morning… How cool is that?

One thought on “Friday Night at Pete’s

  1. Kelly Wood says:

    Nancy……….what a great find, a little bit of everything! Love reading your posts, and seeing your pictures. and knowing your fine. You know I am here if I need to help back HOME!

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