Music Health Benefits – Backed By Science – Rock On

“One good thing about music, is when it hits you, you feel no pain” – Bob Marley

Amazingly, music provides bout physical and mental benefits:

Improving Sleep quality – listening to classical music has been proven to effectively treat Insomnia

Decrease Food Intake – During a meal, dim the lights and turn on soft music, slowing down helps you to be more mindful of the clues of fullness.

Reduce and Ease Pain – now that is a biggie!  Music can reduce suffering from the perceived intensity of pain.

Recover Faster – Any kind of music helps the physical recovery process to go faster after an intense workout.   Researchers also concluded that stroke patients increased their verbal memory and attention after listening to music for 2 hours.

Work Harder Physically – Listen to upbeat fast music and get more done.  Run faster.

Boost Physical Endurance – Listening to music, especially “pump up” music will help your motivation and length of your work out.  This method uses the power of distraction.

Enhance Blood Vessel Function – Scientist have found that participants feel happier and that increases the blood flow.

Depression Relief – Music is a definite “pick me up”, almost like exercise.  Don’t go heavy metal, that will make depression worse – try classical.

Meditate More Easily – Find it hard to meditate – music can help get you there.  Scientist call it rhythmic stimuli.  It produces therapeutic effect easing PMS, Migraines, and even behavior.

Reduce Stress and Elevate Mood – Music triggers biochemical stress reducers, changes and enhances your mood.  Music helps you get in touch with your feelings.  Makes you more self-aware.

Makes you smarter – Background music enhances performance on a cognitive level.  Making tasks easier once the emotional state has been improved.

Reduces Pressure – Listen to music before entering into a high pressure situation.  It will help relax and prepare you.

Anxiety Relief – Scientist show that listening to music is as beneficial as a massage.

Drive Stress Free – Got road rage?  Listen to music while you drive, less things will bother you.  Don’t me cranky, Crank up the music.

In conclusion:  ROCK ON!



“When we encounter loneliness, instead of numbing and avoiding, we need to go to the lonely place to find the paradoxical gift and feel what we can only feel in that place – Communion with the God who gives life and peace.” – Robert Green

Live and Love

“We humans, especially as women use manipulation and control because it gives the great illusion of security. However, security that is produced by nagging or twisting is exactly that – an illusion. It creates a false sense of safety, which actually causes a deeper ache and emptiness. Live and love marked by giving, not getting. In that, you will have great freedom”
