Let it in … by me

Let the Sun soak you with life by day

Let the Moon cover you with rest at night

Let the Rain wash away all your tears

Let the Wind blow in new ideas

Let love in and walk gently through each day

Seeing God’s beauty in every way.


Was able to go on my first fishing trip yesterday. So much fun. The water is incredible, even in the deep blue, you can see so far down, it is amazing. The colors change 10 times at least as you get deeper. Unbelievable to say the least. I even was able to get a little sun.


Here in my solar community, you have to be very flexible. I was without internet for over a day and a half. What? We had a little rain storm and poof… my connection to the world …. GONE! It’s been kinda weird, not having my iphone in my hand constantly texting. I’ve gotten kinda used to that, but when I think of something I just have to tell someone… I head straight to my computer. I’ve learned how to text from my ipad too! Technology is so amazing… UNTIL, you don’t have it any more.

Funny thing is I didn’t stress about it. Well maybe for a few minutes. It is what it is here. The best thing I can learn here is there isn’t much to stress about. First of all, there is nothing you can do about it. It’s really the same at home, but you tend to think you actually have control of things there… you don’t!

Some people just like to stress.. gives them something to do. Guess what… it makes them sick and old before their time. Do something if you can… if not… CHILL!

OK… great… just realized I have no power. Guess I will crank up the generator and go take the dogs for a walk on the beach. Could be worse.

Why am I here?

Theoretically speaking, not, why am I actually here… on this island or where ever you are.  What drives you every morning to get up and function?  Is is duty, guilt, resentment, fear, materialism or expectations of others?  There is a purpose there, and we all know it.  I am not sure we all know what that purpose is or how to find it.  Intellectually, I know God has a purpose for each of us.  Do we spend all of our lives trying to figure out what that is?  Or do you all of a sudden have this revelation, “I found it!”  I am happy for all of you it you have had that revelation, congrats!

I think this new chapter in my life is about discovery.  Don’t really know why I waited so long.  It wasn’t that the things I was concentrating on were bad, they weren’t. Now I am purposely making an effort to  spend more time with God, discover who I was meant to be and discover new things about the world.  When was the last time you just stopped and paid attention?  Do it now.  It really is amazing.  You’ll discover things when you just stop where ever you are… the beauty around you, how very blessed you are, something that you could do to help someone out or maybe even someone that needs you to just listen.  It is so easy to miss there things, when they are right under you.

Purpose?  No clue yet…. but I am searching!

Home Sweet Home

It’s a simple life here at the Love Shack. One room with a bed table and kitchen and a bathroom, screened porch, sun deck…. check the view.  WOW!  All solar powered and stove and hot water propane.  Can’t run any big appliances… like say a toaster, microwave or hair dryer… not that I need any of those. Neighbor loaned me a French Press for coffee, boiling water and straining through a paper towel was getting old.  LOL!  I’m not complaining mind you! Had to include my home theme song (the short remix version)  Love Shack

New Year’s Eve at Pete’s Pub

New Year’s Eve at Pete’s Pub… Lobster Chowder and a buffet of Steak and Lobster… Doesn’t get much better! Had a sinking spell around 9:00 pm but got my second wind to hang in there until midnight and beyond.  Got to the “Love Shack” around 1:15 am.  Met some new friends.  Everyone here is so nice and respectful… So refreshing.

Guy Fawes Day

New Years Eve at Sunset I was invited to “Guy Fawes” Day in Little Cherokee.  Had no idea what I was going to be experiencing.  Was a little creepy, being from the south and all…but hey “When In Rome”.  It was a fun family event. Follow the link to get the history of this event. Guy Fawes Day