6. favor shown in granting a delay or temporary immunity.
7. an allowance of time after a debt or bill has become payable granted to the debtor before suit can be brought against him or her or a penalty applied: The life insurance premium is due today, but we have 31 days’ grace before the policy lapses. Compare grace period.
8. Theology .
a. the freely given, unmerited favor and love of god.
b. the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them.
c. a virtue or excellence of divine origin: the Christian graces.
d. Also called state of grace. the condition of being in God’s favor or one of the elect.
9. moral strength: the grace to perform a duty.
10. a short prayer before or after a meal, in which a blessing is asked and thanks are given.
11. ( usually initial capital letter ) a formal title used in addressing or mentioning a duke, duchess, or archbishop, and formerly also a sovereign (usually preceded by your, his, etc.).
12. Graces, Classical Mythology . the goddesses of beauty, daughters of zeus and Eurynome, worshiped in Greece as the Charities and in Rome as the Gratiae.
WOW – what a definition! I was just sitting in Church yesterday, thinking about Grace! It is truly an amazing thing. Where would we be without it? I know my screw ups, short comings, and negative thoughs… and just to think…. God is basically saying, “Forget them, leave them behind, it’s like it never happened… I have taken care of it all” WOW!
So how could we ever be negative? It’s a choice to be positive each day. Don’t you hate it when you hear that? It kinda pisses me off. It then becomes my responsibility. Don’t I have enough responsibility as it is, now this? When you are flooded with doubts, fears, insecurities, worries, imperfect thoughts and begin listening to those inner voices (you do hear them too don’t cha?) … it is so easy to make bad choices and be negative. It is sooooooo much easier than being positive. Sad thing is, you can always find someone to be negative with you! Complainers have a way of finding each other.
Don’t confuse what I am saying. There are negative situations, issues, world situations, just don’t get caught up in it. Ask yourself some questions, “How can I turn this situation around?”, “What could I do to make this better?”, “Do they need my help?”… you get the picture.
Being Positive just means seeing the Grace in as much as you possibly can! It’s yours and it’s FREE!
A couple days ago, I was honored to spend time with Elizabeth (blooming teenager 12ish) and Dylan (7). Elizabeth didn’t really hang with me much and I totally get that. I have been though that stage with two girls already. I do think she believes me to be pretty cool though :).
Dylan on the other hand, now we hung out! In his own words, “We had the most awesomeist time ever“. Now seriously, we could all learn a little from Dylan. I felt the love. We walked along the paths holding hands and on beach looking for sea glass, we swam in the ocean, we did a little ocean kayaking and we ate spagetti for lunch at the love shack. He took me to see the old lighthouse and we went inside a cave. (It’s for sale BTW). All simple enough things in themselves, right? But for Dylan, that was all there was in the world at that time. He was in the moment and I envy that. No stress! If we could learn to relax and enjoy each moment and the people that we are with wouldn’t it be awesome (or awesomeist)?
I watched him smile the entire time and repeatedly say, “We are having so much fun, aren’t we Ms Cindy“? He knows how to enjoy life. The 3 hours we were hanging went by way too fast for him. There are so many ways to enjoy life and so many missed opportunities. Are you doing what you enjoy regularly? I am starting to understand it’s importance and I am healthier and happy for it.
Here are a few ideas, just in case you have forgotten: (none of these cost anything, btw)
Enjoy your meal. Don’t just eat. Taste it and appreciate its richness. (oh that is my gift)
Listen to music – Live Music don’t just listen – Sing it, Play it!
Take a walk, a hike, a swim.
Read good book, magazine or inspirational blog
Do nothing for a day, just be lazy and don’t feel guilty about it. (This is highly recommended)
Play games with your friends or your children
Exercise! (but enjoy it, don’t think of it as a chore)
Take pictures.
Enjoy the sunrise or sunset.
There are so many more ways to enjoy life. Do what you are passionate about. Now in the words of Dylan, “Ms Cindy, Does it get any better than this“? Well, does it?
I got my inspiration here from Andy Rooney’s Book, “Andy Rooney: 60 Years of Wisdom and Wit“. Good Book. He made a great point about workmanship and pride. And I quote, “Everything that anyone makes should have his or her name on it for praise, blame or reference.” Think about that statement for a second.
That one sentence kinda struck me… What if? We do lots of things on a daily basis. Would we be willing to put our name on them? I’m not talking about just builders or artist? I am talking about cooking dinner, wrapping a gift, finishing a project at work, helping a customer, hanging with friends… the list is endless. Take your home for example. You think if the builder had signed it, the door jams would be straighter, the paint job would be better, the materials used would be different? Just guessing!
Would the way we do things change if we knew we had to sign them? Seriously… everything would change. Not only would life improve but people would have to take responsibility for their actions… Interesting concept!
All our days have become similar and familiar. The routine has become almost robotish (new word I just invented). Our days are planned out, usually by someone’s agenda, instead of your own. Yet, all were caused by some choices that we made. The kids have their agenda/schedule, then the spouses… usually in that order, which is unfortunate in itself (Guilty!). Then there is work, school, sickness… the list goes on! Makes me wanna stay in bed, just thinking about it. There is a lot of joy in that chaotic life and memories are made but….
Sometimes we need to stop, seriously! I have recently stopped… stepped out of the box (not that I was ever really in it) and into the midst of uncertainty. No schedule, no demands, no appointments…. Just stillness! Oh there is always uncertainty, but luckily when we are busy, we don’t have to deal with it. Just so you know… it’s there. No guarantees. I’m not trying to scare ya, but slap you into reality. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. That’s really kinda exciting. Gives you a reason to do someone of those things you have always wanted to do.
Back to getting out of bed…I am just now realizing how important the morning is, especially those first moments of time, when we wake up. It is a make or break moment in time for that day. Think about it… God calls for the sun to rise… just for us! He is eager for us to wake up and talk with him.
Motivation becomes different. Makes me want to make something happen… not just let it happen. I don’t want to waste a day like today. I am sitting here now on my screen porch waiting for that sunrise… (They are all so different). You have to be still to see it, you know? What will today bring? There it is again, uncertainty! I am blessed, for a time, to be still. It is amazing! I am being forced to think. What do I want, what do I enjoy, what are my passions, what will I be when I grow up (ok… that’s pushing it!)… There is peace in knowing that even though I am in my midst of uncertainty on a daily basis, that …
God is certain! Peace!
“This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it” Psalm 118:24
Last night was Pete’s (16th annual) 50th Birthday Bash. It is a fund raiser for “Every Child Counts” a school here in Marsh Harbour for kids with many different handicaps. There were auction items, all funds going to the School. There was live music and lots of people. It’s a good cause. Check out their website EVERY CHILD COUNTS. I have a donation button to the right, if you feel led… donate here and I will make sure the school gets every penny.
I wish I could put an audio recorder in my head, especially at night! The things that travel through there… I can’t keep up. Then when I awaken… most of them, GONE! Crap. And if I am asleep, I can’t very well write them down now can I? So what good is that notebook I put on my night stand? Well I thought it was a good idea, and I guess it will catch a few of those thoughts if I wake up suddenly.
The other day, when I was on the beach for 3 hours looking for sea glass… same thing! I’m embarrassed to say.. I was talking to myself. I should have been talking into a recorder. It was pretty jumbled up there, as always… with prayer, thoughts of life, writing, music (that’s always in there) the Island, God’s creation, ME!
I did come away with one interesting analogy (I think that’s the right word). There was so much sea glass in the spot in which I was searching. What made me pick up one and not the one right next to it? I would even pick some up, examine it and return it to the sand or throw it out to sea. I even went to the extent of carrying some for a while, then rejecting them. Of course some were unfinished (young), not ready yet, that was easy, but I found myself searching for certain colors and shapes. Some of the ones I passed up on, the next person walking there after me would retrieve and save. Some where right under my nose and I missed them. Every single one of them were unique. Why did I choose the ones I chose?
It’s no different with people. Why do we chose certain friends and lovers? Life is like that. We are all so very different and unique, just as different as that sea glass… no two people are alike. It is pretty amazing the job God did, isn’t it? Take the time to notice.