New Beginnings

No one can go back and start over but anyone and start today to produce a new ending.  The question really becomes, “Would you want to start over, if you could?”  There has more than likely been way more good in life in the past than things you would change, so I would venture to say that most of us would not like a “do over”!  Think about the things you wouldn’t have experienced and that is probably enough to stay where you are and … start from now!

Today is a new beginning… no denying that!  Every day is, really!  The way you start this year will determine how it will end.  It’s amazing how many people set goals at the beginning of each year, me included.  Most of those goals include things, position, or places.  All of which cost money, when really the things that make a difference in how your year will end cost nothing.  It really comes down to relationships and making them better.  It is time to make better choices, love more and judge less, forgive always and forget when you can,  develop new relationships and heal some old ones, remove bad habits and add new ones, decide to live a healthier lifestyle, help someone in need… the list goes on!

Start today and produce your new ending!  Happy New Year!  2012 is going to be a great year!

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