Maybe it’s the post op pain killers maybe it because I have pretty much sold everything and it feels great, who knows… but here goes!
A big Thank you to Amazon and eBay
And all the big box stores
For fulfilling my constant needs.
It is you know
As you so maliciously point out
On TV, Social Media and the like, my needs!
A big Thank you to the cell phone companies out there
I sooooooooo needed that $1,000 iPhone
You made that happen
It’s what you do, fulfill me
It’s very sad really
How blind we have become
Home Delivery
Yeah! No human contact what so ever soon to be reality.
“Need”, I ask ?
Take a glance around that big that house of yours
And tell me it’s about need.
I’m going out on a limb here
But what you need is that Human sitting beside you
That dog (or cat if you’re one of those) that loves you for you
“Love Is All You Need” (a song no less but no truer words)
You will find it
By giving it
So try it
For a change.
Avoid the “Buy It Now” and try instead the “Show It Now”
Just sayin’
– c. britton