“It’s not just a list … it’s a lifeline. Lists can be used to track tasks, settle arguments, inspire action, record memories and much more.”

LISTS ARE EVERYWHERE. I am a avid list maker. Lists can be long, like when we are trying to justify something we want (Pros) or they can be really really short on the contrary (Cons). Lists can be demanding and controlling (The Ten Commandments), or intriguing and educational (The wonders of the World), and list can even be annoying (The foods I can’t eat on my diet).

A list can be fun and frivolous. You remember, the list you jotted down in your notebook in 7th grade of the boys you were going to marry. Lists can be dry and serious, like my “wunderlist” of all my internet passwords hidden in my iPhone. Lists can be a daunting task, like listing who gets what’s left of the kingdom, in your will. (Well, back to the short list here).

List don’t cost you a penny but can be worth millions, just in that little peace of mind it may lend you on occasion.

Mostly, I make lists to remember. It’s true. You do it too, we bullet-point, type, highlight, cross off, and file away lists that have served as motivators, organizers, tear-jerkers, and reminders, just to name a few. Reminders of not just what we need to accomplish or what we’ve done but most importantly… Who we are.

I use some lists as motivators. Like writing down everything I eat when I am dieting, so I can pat myself on the back for sticking to the plan … or crumpling it up when I fail and starting again. I use lists every single day for tasks of all kinds that need attention. I draw a box in front of each task in my list, so I can check it off when completed. I get such a great feeling from that tiny check mark, that I admit, I have done something I forgot to put on my list and added it after the fact, just to put the check in the box. I have tried the phone apps – there is nothing like good old hand written list in a spiral notebook. I keep lists of books I want to read, movies I want to see, and people I need to thank, (that’s a never ending list). I have lists of places I want to travel, art projects I want to work on, letters I need to write (yes I actually hand write those as well), grocery lists, errand lists, Financial lists like my budget. I list things I need to do around the house. I love lists. See, look, I just made you a list of my lists.

A journal in itself is a list. Journaling is a passion of mine. Documentation of events in life over a course of time. It is typically dated and time stamped. I make these entries (Lists) to release pain, forget and forgive things, document adventures, mistakes and the exciting times of my life. This is my most powerful list. I feel neglectful when I don’t document things. This list is a lifeline and does the most good for me in my life. If and when I take a look back … whatever I run across from my past is magical whether it was a good or bad time. I can pat myself on the back for not being where I was or for forgiving a wrong doing by myself or someone else, or just be proud of myself for taking life by the horns and living. This is a list just for me and me alone.

You should try journaling, as well. Most importantly if we use good spiritual lists for living and follow that demanding and controlling list in which we are all familiar (The 10 commandments), and If we attempt to live the life God gave us and we are happy with ourselves in all we do, then all our lists will be worth reading. This takes time. I’m not there yet!

However, what is written within between those lines, in those listsI call my journals, are exactly why I am WHERE I am, and why I am WHO I am… So I encourage you all to WRITE ON vigorously and with all you have.

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