I know you are thinking, …..WHAT? How hard could it be? You’re in paradise! That I am and loving every moment. However, I have been reading about finding joy for the last week and there is a difference in happiness, peace and joy! Joy is what I want, passionately.
Happiness is an emotion that is based on outside sources. You feel it when someone does something for you, with you, around you. It’s external and it’s a bit over-rated.
Peace is a state of serenity we can get in at times. It feels amazing, until the phone rings, the baby cries or you wake up, figuratively speaking.
Joy, on the other hand is a state of the heart that can not be affected by any outside sources. You alone can control whether you have it or not. No one can mess with your joy, unless you give them permission. So, how do I find it?
First, I am pretty sure I need to start with myself. I have this tendency to seek approval from others. Hey, I need to come to the realization that I can’t please everyone and I don’t need to. It is so not necessary. As much as I would like to be perfect, I am a long way off. I am however a work in progress. God is ok with that, so I guess I should be as well.
Second, I need to find what I treasure in life. I have found that you can treasure a marriage, kids, friends, or even things. They will all let you down at some point. Joy must come from treasuring the fact that God’s agenda is much better than my own. I am working on this one.
Third, Let go of the past. Be present in the now. Bygones by Bygones, right? Easier said than done! You can wreck your joy thinking about your past. I will try not to dwell on the shame, guilt and hurt I have experienced in my life. I know you are disappointed… but I am NOT perfect. Dwelling on those things will keep you in a deep dark hole, I know that from experience. It’s a choice.
Fourth, Be present in the now! This one is a biggy! I am very guilty of NOT experiencing moments myself. I am working hard on this one though. I need to put the cell phone down when I am with other people and be all in. I need to learn to clear my mind of all the clutter going on up there. Develop new relationships by listening and sharing. Being in the moment allows you to see, hear and feel in a new way. That my friends in pure joy.
Fifth, I need to try to give something away everyday. Can’t be that hard. Give encouragement. Someone may need an extra pair of hands, I need to pay attention. Hold a baby, to give a Mom a break. A biggy is forgive. Giving something away gives you and the receiver something special, so why not?
Sixth, and lastly, Glory in what you have. Here’s a few things I glory in: Being in this place, sunrises and sunsets, music, dancing, and laughter.
What brings you joy? Just sayin’